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Simplified joint stock company with capital of 140,000 euros  
Registered office: 160 bis, rue de Paris 92100 Boulogne Billancourt  
Nanterre Trade and Companies Register: 343 592 051  
Publication Manager: Mr Eric Toussaint  

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ALTER WAY, 490 932 308 R.C.S. Nanterre 
Head office: 1 rue royale, Bat D, 227, les Bureaux de la colline 92210 Saint-Cloud, France 


GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE "www.synergie-executive.com" WEBSITE 



The present General Conditions of Use are concluded between any User browsing the Site or having access to the Site's functionalities and SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE.  

SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE is an international HR consultancy dedicated to senior executives. 

To this end, it has the technical means, skills and resources to enable the User to access its services, including via the present Internet Site accessible at www.synergie-executive.com, the conditions of access and use of which are governed by the present General Conditions of Use. 

Article 1 – Definitions: 

"Candidate": User who has completed and validated the registration form on the Site and/or subscribed to partner portals. 

"Terms of Use" or "TOU" means the provisions herein governing access to and use of the Site and its Services. 

"Data" refers to all information communicated by the User either when visiting the Site or when registering as a Candidate, as well as any element collected automatically by the Site during the User's visit and used to improve the Site. 

"Services" refers to all services offered by SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE on its Site, either directly or via a partner portal. 

"Site" refers to the Internet site located at the URL address "www.synergie-executive.com", as well as all the pages of said site, accessible directly or via a partner portal. 

"GDPR" or "General Data Protection Regulation" means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and any related laws and regulations. 

"User" refers to any individual or legal entity visiting the www.synergie-executive.com site, or any of its pages, either directly or via a partner portal. 

Article 2 – Purpose:

2.1. The purpose of the present General Conditions of Use is to define the terms and conditions of use of the Site and the Services available on the Site that SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE makes available to Users, as well as the relationship between SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE and Users.

Any connection to the Site automatically implies the user's full and unreserved acceptance of these GCU.

The applicable GCU are those in force at the time of each connection of the User to the Site and the User may consult them each time he visits the Site.

These GCU may be modified by SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE as required. In this case, the User acknowledges that his use of the Site after modification of the GCU will automatically entail acceptance of the GCU thus modified.

2.2. If a User uses the Site on behalf of an entity (e.g.: association, company, foundation), he/she guarantees that he/she holds all the necessary authorisations to accept the GCU on behalf of the entity for which he/she is using the Site. In this case, access to the Site will also imply unreserved acceptance of the GCU by the entity in question.

2.3 SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE conducts its business in compliance with the ethical rules of the profession and with constitutional, legal and regulatory principles relating to non-discrimination.

Article 3 – Description of the Site: 

The Site provides access to descriptions of the services offered by SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE, enabling you to understand its commitments and missions to companies looking for new talent.   

Access to the Site is free and Users can access general information about SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE. This site also allows Users to apply for job offers. 

Article 4 – Sending a staff requirement to SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE:

The Site allows Users to contact SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE and/or to send their personnel requirements to SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE by means of an online Form so that SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE can contact them. 

To do so, the User must meet the following conditions:

  • Be a Human Being,

  • Be of legal age,

  • Be authorised by the company expressing the staffing need to send the form corresponding to the staffing requirement.

Otherwise, the form expressing the need for personnel sent to the Site will not be processed by SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE.

Article 5 – Personal Data:

SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE acting as the data controller complies with the applicable legislation on the protection of Users' personal data and in particular with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation known as "GDPR").

5.1 Data collected:

The Data relating to Users that the www.synergie-executive.com site may collect are as follows:

  • Data collected when sending an application:

The Data collected includes the following: last name, first name, e-mail address, telephone number, CV, location and url of Linkedin profile.

Mandatory Data are indicated by an asterisk. If the User does not provide said Data, he/she will not be able to access the Services.

  • Data collected when sending a staffing requirement:

The data collected is as follows: surname, first name, job title, telephone number, e-mail address.

Some of this Data is mandatory and is indicated by an asterisk. If the User does not provide them, he/she will not be able to access the Services. 

  • Connection data collected during connection and use of the Site

5.2 Data processing purposes:

The processing of this Data is necessary to enable Users:

  • To access and use the Site and to obtain a response to messages sent to the Site, 

In the case of Candidate Users, processing is necessary in order to:

* Send their application and receive notifications on the status of jobs they've applied for, invitations to tests etc...,

The information requested and collected on the Site is for the purpose of recruiting Candidates.

It is intended exclusively for SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE and for companies interested in Candidates' profiles.

The Data collected under these TOU are processed on the basis of legitimate interest and contract (Article 5 of the RGPD).

5.3 Data retention period:

User data entered in contact and application forms is stored by SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE for a period of 2 years. 

5.4 Users' data rights:

Each user has a right to access, port, rectify and delete their Data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation).

They can access and modify their Data:

- or via the form available on the www.synergie-executive.com website.

- or by post by sending an e-mail to the following address: [email protected] or by sending a letter to the following address: SYNERGIE - Délégué à la Protection des Données - 160 bis rue de Paris - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT - FRANCE

5.5 - Cookies

5.5.1 What is a cookie? 

Cookies are files stored on the computer's hard drive when the User browses the Site. 

A cookie is not used to collect Data without the User's knowledge but to store information relating to the User's browsing on the Site, which may be read by SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE during future visits and requests on the Site. 

5.5.2 How does SYNERGIE use cookies? 

SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE may wish to install a cookie on the User's computer in order to facilitate and improve browsing on the Site. 

The User may accept or refuse cookies by means of the preliminary information banner that appears when the User arrives on the Site's home page.

The cookies used on the www.synergie-executive.com Site are mainly used to understand how the Site functions and how Users interact with the Site, to guarantee the security of the Services, to offer personalised content and to improve the User's browsing experience.

SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE may include third-party cookies on the Site, which allow the User to share Site content with third parties or to inform these third parties of his/her consultation of the Site.

The issue and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy protection charters of these third parties, which it is the User's responsibility to consult. 

SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE is not in a position to control the methodology used by social networks to collect information relating to Users' browsing on the Site. 

5.5.3 What are the different types of cookies? 

  • Cookies strictly necessary for the use of the Site, which do not store any Data.
  • Non-essential cookies are those used, for example, to measure performance, personalise content or provide social networking functionalities.

- Strictly necessary cookies (operating cookies). 

These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the Site and do not store any personal identification information. 

- Performance cookies 

These cookies make it possible to obtain statistics on the number of visitors to the Site in order to facilitate navigation on the Site. 

- Personalisation cookies 

These cookies enable the Site to offer personalised content.

- Sharing cookies 

These cookies facilitate sharing on social networks. 

5.5.4 How can the User choose his/her cookie preferences? 

Users can manage their preferences with regard to cookies by clicking on the information banner, which allows them to refuse the use and storage of cookies on their computer by modifying their browser settings.

If the User decides to modify his/her preferences at a later time during his/her browsing session, he/she can go to our cookie manager, accessible here. This will redisplay the banner allowing the User to modify their preferences or withdraw their consent entirely.

If the User accepts cookies, they will be stored for a maximum of 13 months from the time they are first set. 

In addition, different browsers offer different methods for blocking and deleting cookies.

Information on the use of cookies is available from browser software publishers.

Information on the use of cookies by the following software programs can be found on the following pages:

5.5.5 What type of cookies does www.synergie-executive.com use?

The cookies and other data streams present on the site are as follows:

  • Operating cookies
    • ...(website) (required)
  • Performance cookies
    • Google Analytics (statistics)
    • Google Tag Manager (statistics)
  • Personalisation cookies
    • Youtube
    • Google.com (map)
  • Sharing cookies
    • Facebook
    • Linkedin
    • Whatsapp

Article 6 – Declarations and Obligations of the User:

6.1 By accessing the Site, the User acknowledges:

- Be aware of the principles underlying the operation of the Internet and accept its characteristics and limitations;

- Be aware that SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE cannot exercise any control over the nature and characteristics of the Data accessible on the Internet and that consequently SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE cannot assume any liability that may arise directly or indirectly from such Data;

- Be aware that Data circulating on the Internet cannot be completely protected against possible misappropriation and that, as a result, any communication is made at the User's own risk. SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE implements appropriate technical and organisational measures designed to protect Data against accidental loss or unauthorised access or distribution.

However, the Internet remains an open system and SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE cannot guarantee that unauthorised third parties will not be able to bypass these measures and access the Data;

- The User is aware that viruses may be introduced by third parties on the Internet, and therefore acknowledges that it is his/her responsibility to take all appropriate measures to ensure the protection of Data stored on his/her computer equipment; furthermore, the User undertakes not to save any document containing a virus;

6.2 When the User provides, records or makes available to SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE and other Users and SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE's partners elements and information (e.g. information about the User, his/her CV, etc.), he/she undertakes to ensure that these:

  • Do not contravene or violate applicable codes and laws,

  • Do not contain any virus or software likely to interfere with or damage the proper functioning of the Site,

  • Do not infringe the rights of third parties,

  • Are not misleading, inaccurate or deceptive,

  • Do not contain any defamatory, insulting, violent, or racially or ethnically hateful elements, or elements likely to undermine respect for human dignity or the protection of minors,

  • Do not harm SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE's image.

6.3 The User guarantees SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE and its partners against any recourse or action by any third party, and their possible pecuniary consequences, arising from the User's use of the Site or from the User's violation of the GTU or the regulatory provisions in force.

6.4 The User must respect the operation of the Site and the technical measures used to ensure the security of the Site and access to the Site. In this respect, each User shall refrain from using any hardware or software likely to alter, hinder or distort the operation of the Services and the Site.

Any breach of this obligation may result in civil or criminal penalties. In addition, SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE reserves the right to immediately delete or deactivate the account of any User who makes fraudulent or illicit use of their account or who does not respect the present GTU.

Article 7 – Access to the Site:

SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE endeavours to allow access to the Site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure, as defined by article 1218 of the French Civil Code and by French case law, and also subject to any breakdowns and maintenance or upgrading work on the Site, without these interruptions giving the User any right to compensation.

Likewise, the User accepts that SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE may interrupt the Site and all or part of its Services at any time and without notice.

SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE may not be held liable in the event of impossibility of access to the Site and/or use of the Services, Users waiving any claim or action in this respect.

Article 8 – Hypertext links:

The Site may offer the User and/or Candidate access to hypertext links leading to other Internet sites. The Site's links to these sites are deemed to provide additional qualified information. Under no circumstances may SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE be held responsible for the content of these sites, which it does not publish, and the User acknowledges that these third-party or partner sites and services are totally independent of SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE. The proposed redirection to a third-party site does not constitute a recommendation, and SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE is in no way responsible for the editorial content of the sites concerned.

Article 9 – Intellectual property:

12.1 General provisions 

The Site is an indivisible whole. The information contained therein is for personal use only and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor communicated to third parties for any reason whatsoever. All elements (text, sound or images) appearing on the Site pages are the exclusive property of SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE.

Any reproduction, representation or distribution, other than for personal use, of all or part of the content of this Site on any medium or by any process whatsoever is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement within the meaning of articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code, and may render the infringer liable to civil and criminal penalties.

12.2 Photo credits:

All rights reserved for the photographs illustrating this Site.
- Getty Images

12.3 Trademarks:

It is strictly forbidden within the meaning of article L.713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code to use or reproduce the "SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE" brand and/or logo, alone or in combination, for any purpose whatsoever, and in particular for advertising purposes, without the prior written consent of SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE.

Article 10 – Limitation of liability:

The information contained in the Site is provided for information purposes only, and the Services and the Site are provided "as is". SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of this information, the Services or the Site.

The User acknowledges that neither SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE, nor any of its subsidiaries, nor any member of the SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE network may be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, and in particular for any material or immaterial loss, loss of data or programs, financial loss, resulting from access, inability to access or use the Site or any sites linked to it, or from the interruption, suspension, modification or discontinuation of the Site or any of its components.

Furthermore, SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE cannot be held liable in the event of inaccessibility of the Site, particularly during maintenance or in the event of force majeure.

In addition, SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE does not guarantee the completeness, timeliness or relevance of the information published on the Site, including the existence or availability of any offer mentioned on this Site, nor the final terms or duration thereof.

SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE does not guarantee that an employer or customer will offer an interview, or hire a User, or that the User will be available or meet the needs of an employer or customer.

The User is advised that SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE will provide any information enabling or facilitating the identification of any person guilty of a breach of the law or an infringement of the rights of SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE or a third party at the request of an authority or court, such as IP addresses and connection times.

In the event that SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE is held liable in a court of law due to a User's failure to fulfil his obligations, SYNERGIE EXECUTIVE may call upon the User to provide a guarantee. 
The User acknowledges that he/she alone is responsible for the use of the Site and the information and Services accessible via the Site.

Article 11 – Applicable law:

Both this Site and its Services and the terms and conditions of their use are governed by French law, regardless of the place of use.

If any provision of these GCU is found by any authority or jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall be deemed unwritten and shall not invalidate the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Article 12 – Applicable jurisdiction:

By using this Site, the User accepts the present Terms and Conditions. Any dispute arising from the use of this Site and the Services it offers, or from the distribution of the information it contains, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Nanterre, in application of French law.